Dialog Test English

Semoga Berhasil dan Sukses
Salam sejahtera bagi semua nya..
oke kali ini saya akan menginformasikan tentang percakapan dialog yang biasanya dibutuhkan siswa untuk try out maupun ujian semester..  nah ini adalah sebuah contoh dialog yang sudah pernah saya lakukan di guru saya.. alhamdulilah ternyata saya dapat nilai A.. dari pada anda bingung atau susah mending cermati dialog saya ini..
mungkin bisa menjadi ekspresionisme anda...
Langsung saja lihat di bawah ini.....

Why eiffel tower was bulit
Imam                                : Excusme miss, can you help me ??
Yanti                                  : of course
Imam                                : I want to ask you one thing
Yanti                                  : what is it ?
Imam                                : do you know the Eiffel tower ??
Yanti                                  : yes, of course, it is one of the wonders of the wordl, Why with Eiffel tower ??
Imam                                : because, I want to know about the Eiffel tower
Yanti                                  : what do you want to know about the Eiffel tower, I would explain to knowledge.
Imam                                : why was Eiffel tower built ??
Yanti                                  : the Eiffel tower was built for the wordl exhibition.
Imam                                : then why the exhibition was being held ?
Yanti                                  : because, to celebrate the 100tahun anniversary of the French revolution
Imam                                : who designed the Eiffel tower ??
Yanti                                  : the Eiffel tower was designed by gustave Eiffel
Imam                                : what is the name of the Eiffel tower taken from it’s desigener name ???
Yanti                                  : maybe, such historically
Imam                                : what other reason Eiffel tower built ?
Yanti                                  : another reason on why the tower was built was for scientific progress
Imam                                : why do you really understand about the Eiffel tower ??
Yanti                                  : because , I came from paris
Imam                                : really……..!!!!
Yanti                                  : yesss….!! Why are you asking about the Eiffel tower ??
Imam                                : because I am curious
Yanti                                  : what is to be asked again ??
Imam                                : no miss…. Thanks for your time
Yanti                                  : no problem, your welcome……

oke.. sekian ilmu dari saya smoga bermanfaat untuk kalian smua.. 
semoga sukses dan teruslah belajar untuk menggapai cita-cita mu

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